
How To Get a Teenage Sim Pregnant: Best Sims 4 Teen Pregnancy Mod

Here’s everything you need to know about teen pregnancy in the sims 4, from the best sims 4 teen pregnancy mod to how to get your teen sim pregnant without using mods.

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Sims 4 Teen Pregnancy Mod

Being able to get your teen sims pregnant has been an obsession among simmers since the early days of The Sims.

I remember downloading a mod for it back when I was playing The Sims 2 in the mid-2000s.

Now we are in the time of The Sims 4 and we STILL need a mod to make teen pregnancy an option for our sims.

Today, I’m going to be showing you the absolute best sims 4 teen pregnancy mod that I’ve found and providing you with a link to download it.

Download Sims 4 Teen Pregnancy Mod

The best mod for teen pregnancy in the sims 4 is the Relationships & Pregnancy Overhaul Mod (formerly known as Woohoo Wellness) also referred to as the sims 4 rpo lumpinou mod. The RPO mod by Lumpinou is one I’ve talked about MANY times on Must Have Mods, because it’s SO essential to sims freeplay.

Module 5 of the mod introduced teenage sims pregnancy and tons of in-depth gameplay to go along with it.

When your teenage sims get pregnant, it TRULY affects everyone from their partner to the other young adults they know, or even their parents. Everyone will have their own reactions and get specific moodlets to go along with them.

It’s SUPER fun and adds so much story!

The link to download the teen pregnancy mod for free is below.

But if you want to see how exactly how to get a teenage sim pregnant in sims 4 using the mod, keep reading.

As usual, if you can join the creator’s Patreon, please do. It really helps to show support for our wonderful sims 4 modding community!

How to Use The Sims 4 Teen Pregnancy Mod

To get your teen sim pregnant in the sims 4 using the pregnancy overhaul mod, you’ll want to start by finding a partner for your sim.

Throughout this tutorial, I’ll be playing Hailey Thornton. She’s a teenager who lives in Brindleton Bay from my absolute favorite sims 4 save file by SimLicy.

If you want to play with her as well, you can find SimLicy’s save file here.

Hailey and her boyfriend, Bowen have decided to take things to the next level in their relationship. They are going to WooHoo for the first time.

To get your sim pregnant, you have two options.

You can have them WooHoo without using protection, which gives your sim a small chance of becoming pregnant (and catching diseases).

Or you can have them Try for Baby, which gives your sim a high chance of becoming pregnant.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we’ll have them WooHoo without protection.

And after that, just like an adult sim would, Hailey will go take a pregnancy test to see if she’s pregnant or not.

I’m sure you know how that works out…

With the teen pregnancy mod downloaded, your teen sims will, by default, be VERY upset if they happen to get pregnant.

From there you must go into their settings and switch it to have them want a pregnancy.

They will get all sorts of moodlets and strong emotions that indicate how they feel about having an unwanted pregnancy.

The other major part of this mod is having your pregnant sim tell their partner and family members that they are pregnant.

In addition, there are TONS of other interactions surrounding the pregnancy that your pregnant teen can do with their partner.

These include trying to get the father to provide for the baby financially, telling the truth or lying about paternity, going to counseling, and so much more!

(Hailey and Bowen can even get married due to the surprise pregnancy!)

The father will have similar tense moodlets and a negative reaction to finding out that the sim is pregnant.

Now, Hailey decides to go tell her dad that she’s pregnant.

I absolutely love this part of the mod, because it adds a lot to storytelling within your gameplay.

After Hailey tells one of her parents that she’s pregnant, the parents get to decide their reaction.

Will they accept the pregnancy and support Hailey?

Or will they be very upset and refuse to support her?

No matter what option you choose, this will cause a reaction in your pregnant teenager.

They will feel either relieved that the parents were accepting or sad because things went so poorly.

Hailey’s belly will grow with each trimester, just like an adult sims’ would.

She can also do new things specifically related to her pregnancy.

If you click on your pregnant sim and go into the Pregnancy & Family menu, you will a lot of options for your sim to do.

These include going to birth class, buying something for the baby, discovering the gender, and more!

We’re going to have Hailey go to the doctor and find out the gender of the baby.

She’ll be gone for a little while and it will cost §200.

Luckily, she had some money saved up from working the past summer as a lifeguard.

When Hailey comes back from the doctor’s, she reveals that she’s having a baby girl!

However, she’s still getting sad moodlets, because as a teenager, she’s not ready to be a parent.

But she needs to get ready, because just a few hours later, Hailey goes into labor and decides to give birth at home in her bedroom.

The baby is, of course, a girl, and she has to decide on a name, and whether or not the baby will get her last name or the fathers.

And just because the baby is born doesn’t mean that everything is all good.

Your pregnant sim will more than likely receive a bad sentiment after giving birth due to the unwanted addition to the family.

However, you can attempt to mend this by having your teen sim attempt to bond with the new baby.

The bonding won’t work every time. It may take a few tries or not work at all.

If you want to prevent your teenager from getting a bad sentiment when the baby is born, you’ll need to work extra hard during the pregnancy to get your sim to accept the pregnancy.

This means having conversations with their partner and doing activities, like counseling, that will them accept that they’re pregnant.

Doing that, can also prevent all of those bad moodlets and emotions that come along with the unwanted pregnancy.

The last thing I forgot to mention is that your pregnant sim will get intense mood swings and cravings just like a real pregnancy. So cool!

I’ve tried not to show you too much of the teen pregnancy mod in this tutorial because I want you to be able to discover all of it for yourself and have the most fun possible!

But I’m sure you can see that this mod is SUPER in-depth and adds so much to creating more realistic gameplay in the Sims 4 .

I should also mention that the sims 4 teen pregnancy mccc MC Pregnancy Module is available within the MC Command Center. This mc command center teen pregnancy module is another way you can get your teen Sims pregnant. If you are interested how that mod works, check out our post by clicking here. Once you click that link, scroll down to item #5 in the list titled MC Command Center by Deaderpool for more informaiton.

{RELATED POST: 15 Best Sims 4 Pregnancy Mods You Need to Download for More Realistic Pregnancies}

How to Get a Teenager Pregnant on Sims 4 Without Mods

I know that many players want to know how to get a teenager pregnant on sims 4 without mods. I originally thought that this was impossible.

However, I recently learned that there is a sneaky little way to do it.

All you need to do is go into the sims 4 gallery and search the households category for “pregnant teenager” or “pregnant teen.”

You’ll find tons of teen sims that are already pregnant and in all different trimesters.

You can then insert this sim into create-a-sim and edit them to your liking or put them directly into your world.

It’s definitely not a perfect method, but it works!

Hopefully, this post answered all of your questions about teen pregnancy in the sims 4. If not, feel free to leave me a comment with any of your questions. Happy Simming!

This post was all about the Sims 4 Teen Pregnancy Mod.

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    1. There’s an updated version of the mod available. I just added the updated link to this post! 🙂

  1. This mod like doesn’t work. I tried a billions times and she won’t get pregnant. I’m getting very frustrated

    1. There are a lot of game updates happening right now that are breaking mods. I’m currently going through and updating all links of outdated mods, but in the meantime, I suggest looking for an updated version of the mod on the creator’s Patreon.

    1. Unfortunately sometimes this happens with mods. Most mods have pretty good instructions on how to fix any issues. Did you try making sure all previous versions were removed? There’s a few other helpful suggestions here -> https://www.patreon.com/posts/75940181. Also might want to make sure you have the core mode file installed, not just mod 5. Good luck!

    1. Thanks Kalixta. If you are here, and have a problem getting this mod to work. Please post the error or issue, and we’ll see if we can’t help you solve it.

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