
37+ Best Sims 4 Trait Mods to Create More Unique Sims

Looking for custom traits for the sims 4? Here’s a list of the best sims 4 trait mods that will give your sims more personality!

sims 4 trait mods

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If there’s one thing all of us simmers can agree on, it’s that we need more traits in the sims 4. The fact that we don’t get new traits with every expansion pack is wild.

But lucky for us, modders have once again saved the day by creating TONS of sims 4 custom traits.

Although I’ve only officially claimed to give you 31 more traits for your sims in this list, you’ll see a lot of sims 4 traits mod, and bundles listed. So, in reality, you’ll be able to find over 100 sims 4 cc traits in this post. Yay for more traits!

And with all your new trait mods, you may probably want to know how to give your sims more traits in CAS. Check out THIS cas traits mod that lets you give 5 more traits at a time!

*troubleshooting: some of these trait mods may not be compatible with each other, so if any of them aren’t showing up in your game or aren’t working, try removing your other cc traits.

This post is all about the best sims 4 custom traits mods.

1. Sims 4 Farmer Trait by KiaraSims4Mods

sims 4 farmer mod trait

In honor of the Sims 4 Cottage Living coming out VERY soon (it may already be out by the type you’re reading this), here’s a farmer traits mod for Sims 4.

With this trait, your sims will learn gardening and fishing 2x faster. They will get tons of whims related to outdoor activities and a few new buffs.

Your farmer sims will even have new interactions like discussing their love of homegrown vegetables or chatting about horses.


2. Sims 4 Emotional Trait Mods by Kuttoe

sims 4 traits pack

This sims 4 traits bundle includes:

  • insecure trait
  • arrogant trait
  • calm trait
  • stoic trait
  • perky trait
  • restless trait
  • egghead trait
  • daydreamer trait

All of these personality traits deal with your sims emotions and moods, typically making them more extreme. For example, the insecure personality trait makes the embarrassed emotion more common and more intense. The personality trait will also make it more difficult for sims to make friends. Super realistic!

Kuttoe creates really incredible sims 4 mods and traits, so please go check out all of their stuff on their website and show some support.

Since you’ll be downloading so many new cc traits, you may want the option to give your sims more than three traits. I’ve got you covered! Here’s the more traits mod for sims 4.


3. Sims 4 Misery Traits by NateTheL0ser

sims 4 traits bundle

This sims 4 traits mod includes:

  • dry skin trait
  • alien hater trait
  • fame jealous trait
  • hates vampires trait
  • allergic to dogs trait
  • chronic headaches trait
  • seasonal affective disorder trait
  • hay fever trait
  • can’t stand cold trait
  • hates heat trait

It’s so nice to see some more “negative” emotional traits for our sims. At least in my game, it can feel like the sims are too perfect.

Well, this sims 4 emotional trait mod seeks to change that. With 10 new misery traits for your sims, you’ll have to deal with an annoying quirk that greatly affects your sim’s moods and interactions.


4. Sims 4 Agoraphobia Trait by Simularity

sims 4 mental illness traits

This is a sims 4 anxiety disorder trait that makes your sim feel stressed when they’re away from home and happy when they’re at home.

It will also give your sim random panic and social anxiety attacks. The coolest part about this emotional trait mod is that it even includes new whims!

I know this emotional trait deals with mental illness which is a sensitive topic to some. So please use it at your own discretion.


5. Sims 4 Adult Traits Mod Pack by Snowiii95

sims 4 wicked whims traits pack

This sims 4 trait mods includes:

  • sub trait
  • dom trait
  • slut trait
  • pregnant trait
  • horny trait

If you’re looking for adult mods for the sims 4, then these cc traits are for you. The pregnant trait would be PERFECT for the 100 baby challenge!

As a little bonus, this adult mod pack also includes 3 new aspirations. Check out the download page below to read more about them.

*This trait mod pack has been deleted by the creator!😔 I’ve replaced the download link with a Woohoo Lover custom trait for now until I can find another set of cc traits similar to those above.


{RELATED POST: 75+ Sims 4 Challenges List So You’ll Never Be Bored Again}

6. Sims 4 Feminist Trait by MarlynSims

sims 4 traits mods

The feminist trait is a lifestyle trait that gives your sim 7 new interactions and 13 new buffs. For example, your feminist sim may receive a special buff when earning a promotion.


7. Sims 4 Spa Day Traits by Kuttoe

sims 4 traits pack

This sims 4 traits bundle includes the health nut trait and the high maintenance trait.

This cc traits mod gives you more of a reason to utilize the content that came with the Spa Day pack and to visit spas more often.

Your health nut sims will get powerful moodlets from yoga and drinking teas. And high maintenance sims will have a hard time in physical labor careers (military, manual labor, & fast food), but be great at the critic career. So funny!

The traits come with new buffs, social interactions, and custom whims.

UPDATE: These have been updated for the newest version of Spa Day. The high maintenance trait is now the lavish trait.


8. Sims 4 Pastry Lover Trait by Caradriel

sims 4 cc traits

The pastry lover sim will be much better at baking and gourmet cooking than other sims. They’ll also receive 10 custom buffs and 3 new social interactions.

One of my favorite features of this cc trait is that your sim can ask another sim about their favorite cake. You’ll even get an answer from them. Imagine making a sim their favorite kind of cake for their birthday!!

This trait would match well with the custom chocolatier career which can be found here. Overall, this is a great trait mod for storytelling and more in-depth gameplay.


9. Sims 4 Deaf Trait by DaleRune

custom content traits sims 4

The deaf trait is perfect if you’re looking for sims 4 disability traits. It comes with 188 new buffs (that’s A LOT). And 11 new interactions including using sim sign language and a hearing aid.

This is a great mod for adding realism to your sims game and an even greater way to show representation for the deaf community.

This mod can be found in the reward store, so it doesn’t take up a trait slot.


10. Sims 4 Shy Trait by MarlynSims

sims 4 cc traits

Having the shy trait will really affect your sim’s life. Their social, charisma, and comedy gain at only 0.2x instead of the typical 1x. They gain relationships with pets much faster than they do with humans (relatable).

Your sim will also get positive buffs when doing communication tasks through the phone or the computer instead of in-person (super relatable.)


11. Sims 4 Zodiac Sign Traits by Radiophobe

sims 4 zodiac sign mod

This is a huge astrology mod for the sims 4. The creator attempted to recreate the zodiac signs from the sims 2 and nailed it!

This trait mod comes with TONS of new whims and your sims will autonomously do things that correlate with their zodiac signs. For example, a Virgo sim might start cleaning up around the house since Virgo’s tend to be neat and organized.

You can find the zodiac signs in the rewards store so they won’t take up one of our precious trait slots.


12. Sims 4 Eating Disorders Trait Mods by DaleRune

sims 4 mental illness traits

This sims 4 eating disorder trait mods includes:

  • binge eating disorder trait
  • avoidant / restrictive food intake disorder trait
  • anorexia trait
  • bulimia trait
  • picky eater trait

I’m not going to go into any detail about this traits mod, in case it’s triggering to any of my readers, but you can go to the download page to get all of the details.

*I want to acknowledge that some of these cc traits talk about very sensitive topics. The point of these types of mods is to add more realism to the sims 4. However, I would totally understand if it comes across as offensive or insensitive to anyone currently struggling with these illnesses. I am truly sorry if that is the case and I wish you healing and happiness.*


13. Sims 4 Hates Outdoors Trait by MarlynSims

sims 4 cc traits

We were given a loves outdoors trait, but not a hates outdoors trait. Makes sense. But lucky for us, MarlynSims has created a very in-depth hates outdoors trait for our sims.

With this trait, your sims will struggle to excel at any careers that require them to be outdoors (gardener, lifeguard, conservationist, etc.) and they will never autonomously start any outdoor activity.

In addition, any skill that involves the outdoors will gain 0.4x slower. This sim really hates the outdoors.


14. Sims 4 Hobby Trait Mods by Kuttoe

sims 4 cc hobby traits

This sims 4 trait mods include:

  • artisian trait
  • horticulturist trait
  • movie buff trait
  • scribe trait
  • tinker trait
  • worldy trait
  • competitive trait
  • technophobe trait

This group of cc traits is based on a sim’s hobbies. If your sim doesn’t practice their hobby often (like watching movies or gardening) they will become stressed.

Or in the case of the technophobe trait, they will get stressed by using technology. Each of the traits comes with new buffs and social interactions.


15. Sims 4 Toddler Traits Bundle by Snowiii95

sims 4 traits mod pack

This sims 4 cc traits for toddlers pack includes:

  • always happy trait
  • naive trait
  • bossy trait
  • creative trait
  • stranger danger trait
  • bookworm trait
  • fast learner trait

I was getting so BORED with the traits we have for toddlers, so I’m super happy that I was able to find a sims 4 cc trait mods for toddlers.

I especially love the fast learner trait. It makes teaching your toddlers skills much easier and faster.


16. Shutterbug Trait by MarlynSims

sims 4 traits cc

Sims with the shutterbug trait love photography. They even build their photography skills 1.6x faster than normal.

And the best part about the trait is that your sims will earn 4x as much money for their photographs as other non-shutterbug sims would!!

This trait would go perfectly with the semi-active photography career you can find here.


17. Sims 4 Seducer Trait by KiaraSims4Mods

sims 4 traits mods

Seducer sims know how to get their way when it comes to romance. They have special new interactions like “Do you know amazing you are?” and “I’ll never get over you” to win over new lovers.

These sims frequently get whims to do romantic things and enjoy new buffs when woohooing or trying for a baby. This trait makes for a spicy love life!


18. Sims 4 Beach Lover Trait by KiaraSims4Mods

sims 4 traits mod

The beach lover trait is perfect for your sims that live in Sulani. With this cc trait, your sims will get special buffs from doing beach-related activities like sunbathing, diving in the ocean, sailing on a boat, and more.

Your beach lover sims will also get two new interactions: talk about the beach & chat about beach views.


19. Sims 4 Trait Mods Seasons Trait Pack by Vicky Sims

sims 4 traits mod bundle

This sims 4 trait mods includes

  • child of winter trait
  • child of the moon trait
  • child of spring trait
  • child of summer trait
  • child of the sun trait
  • child of fall trait

I LOVE this trait pack. Seasons definitely affect us as humans and I’m sure they affect our sims too. When it’s fall, I feel so happy. I love the warm and cozy feelings of the autumn season. Now fall can have the same effect on my sim. So cool!

These traits come in the reward store (in addition to CAS) so they don’t have to take up one of your sim’s trait slots.


20. Sims 4 Social Anxiety Trait by Scarlet & Kuttoe

sims 4 mental illness traits

This is another sims 4 mental illness trait. This one specifically deals with social anxiety. I find this trait to be pretty similar to the agoraphobia and shy traits we’ve previously talked about. But it does have a few features that make it unique.

For example, with the social anxiety trait, your sim can take medication for their social anxiety but they will receive one random side effect. These side effects include decreased appetite, dizziness, nausea, or drowiness.


21. Sims 4 Brave Trait by KiaraSims4Mods

sims 4 traits list

This sims 4 cc trait is perfect if your sim is looking to excel at the military, detective, astronaut, or firefighter careers. They’ll earn a 2x career boost just by having the brave trait.

Your sim will also learn fitness 2x faster and get two new social interactions: brag about being brave & you’re safe with me.


22. Sims 4 Night Owl Trait by KiaraSims4Mods

sims 4 traits cc

I absolutely love this custom trait! With this trait, your sims will thrive when the moon is out.

They also love the entire nightlife scene. Your sim will get whims to want to travel to clubs and be uncomfortable during daylight hours.


23. Sims 4 Vegan Trait by KiaraSims4Mods

sims 4 trait mods

I know that a vegan trait for the sims 4 has been requested a lot! Well, finally it’s been made.

With this trait, your sim will not eat meat or any animal products at all ( think eggs, honey, etc.) and they don’t even want to use products that contain animal products.


24. Sims 4 Industrialist Trait by MarlynSims

sims 4 traits cheat

This sims 4 cc trait is basically the opposite of the green fiend trait that comes with the Eco Living expansion pack. Instead of loving an eco-friendly environment, your sim actually enjoys the smog and pollution that comes with living in an industrial area.

They have no desire to work in a “green” career field and gardening just isn’t their thing. They even have a hard time making friends with tree huggers who are green fiends, recycle disciples, and freegans.


25. Sims 4 Vacationer Trait by KiaraSims4Mods

custom content traits sims 4

Does your sim love to take vacations? This is basically a sims 4 loves to travel trait.

This trait gives your sim more reasons to take a vacation to the wonderful worlds of Granite Falls or Selvadorada. This trait mod comes with a bunch of new interactions, buffs, and your sim will gain fun 2x faster while on vacation.


26. Sims 4 Updated CC Traits Mod by Snowiii95

sims 4 cc traits pack

This sims 4 traits pack includes:

  • brave trait
  • hydrophobia trait
  • loyal trait
  • animal lover trait
  • panic disorder trait
  • loser trait
  • hopeless romantic trait
  • virtuoso trait

It’s a bundle of random, but useful traits. It’s part one, so I assume a part 2 will be coming soon with even more updated traits.

A lot of these cc traits seem to be remade from sims 3. The sims 3 had SO many great traits, so I’m glad to see it!


27. Sims 4 PTSD Trait by MarlynSims

sims 4 mental illness traits

This is another mental illness trait for sims 4. This time the trait deals with PTSD, otherwise known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

This cc trait is SUPER interesting because your sim has a chance of randomly getting this trait after going through a traumatic life event. Like a divorce, being fired, or the death of a loved one.

When your sim has this trait, they can go to therapy sessions and even possibly recover therefore losing the PTSD trait. This is a very in-depth trait mod, so I highly recommend reading through the download page to learn all about it!


28. Sims 4 Faithful Trait by KiaraSims4Mods

sims 4 traits mods

What sim wouldn’t want to marry a faithful sim? When your sim has the faithful trait, they will get two new social interactions: “express faithful love” & “you’re my forever”

They’ll also get special buffs and whims related to being an extremely loyal sim.


29. Sims 4 Gold Digger Trait + Aspiration by MarlynSims

the sims 4 traits

This sims 4 cc trait is special because it actually comes with an aspiration too! The trait and aspiration are pretty self-explanatory. Your sim is a gold digger who seeks out wealthy sims then mooches money from them.

It adds 14 new interactions, 16 new buffs, and the aspiration has 4 levels to it. The new gold digger aspiration can be found in the love category.


30. Sims 4 Fairy Trait Mod by Just Kizzy

sims 4 fairy mod

From reading around the sims forums and various comment sections of youtube videos, I’ve discovered that lots of simmers really want fairy sims.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we’ll be getting them any time soon. BUT I have found this fairy mod that may just satisfy your fairy wishes for the time being.

This sims 4 fairy trait comes with the trait, buffs, whims, and custom interactions. If you’d like a more in-depth look at fairy mods, let me know and I will definitely test and find the very best ones for a future post.


31. Sims 4 100 Base Game Traits Pack by Vicky Sims

sims 4 cc traits pack

I’ve saved this HUGE cc trait pack for last. It’s a 5-part mod that totals 100 cc traits for sims 4. That’s absolutely crazy.

What’s even crazier is that each of these traits comes with custom buffs, whims, CAS animations, relationship impacts, and emotional impacts.

According to Vicky Sims:

  • part 1 is focused on stimulation & emotional response traits
  • part 2 is focused on extroversion, social image, and social behavior traits
  • part 3 is focused on intimate relationships
  • part 4 is focused on subjective qualities of sims’ appearance
  • part 5 is focused on talents and weaknesses that a sim is born with. (which reminds me a lot of one of my favorite mods that you can find on this list.)


32. 5 Sims 4 Trait Mods by jessienebulous

Five Sims Traits

I was SUPER impressed by these custom traits. The icons are spot on and the descriptions are great. With this trait pack, you’ll receive the space cadet trait, gearheart trait, charming trait, insightful trait, and dramatic trait for sims 4.

One of my favorite traits included is the gearheart trait. I just think it’s very unique compared to other traits we have. This trait helps sims build handiness and rocket science skills faster. Plus they get 3 unique social interactions!


33. 8 Custom Traits for Sims 4 by jessienebulous

Custom Traits

This is another new custom traits pack by jessienebulous. Once again, I was so impressed by the icons and the trait mods themselves. They add a lot of depth which I love.

This trait mod pack includes the witty trait, cool trait, film buff trait, morning person trait, night owl trait, lusty trait (spicy!), shy trait, and the baby crazy trait. Eight brand new traits for your sims 4 game!

(BTW This picture doesn’t include all of them. I forgot to add the shy trait 🤦)


34. Rainbow Baby Trait by DaleRune

Rainbow Baby

This rainbow baby trait will add that next level of realism to your sims 4 gameplay. Rainbow babies are very cherished by their families. They are babies that are wanted beyond belief.

It’s a trait that’s perfect for storytelling and is even better when used with sims 4 pregnancy mods.


35. Sims 4 Myers Briggs Personality Traits Pack by InsightBond

Myers Briggs

If you’re not familiar with the Myers-Briggs Personality test, it’s basically a long series of questions that divides people into 16 distinct personality types to discover your strengths.

With this cc traits pack, you can give your sims their very own Myers-Briggs personality type or create a sim based on your own personality type!


36. Sims 4 Claustrophobic Trait by Splendiferous Sims

Claustrophobic Trait

This trait mod is the perfect addition to Sims 4 Tiny Living gameplay!

Imagine being a sim that gets terrible claustrophobia but is forced to live in a tiny home.

Now that could make for some VERY interesting storylines!


37. Book Smart & Street Smart Trait Mods by JaneSimsten

book smart trait

I’m OBSESSED with these custom trait mods!

With the download, you’ll get two different traits: street smart & book smart.

Street smart sims learn better by doing things. They learn skills like fitness, charisma, handiness, etc. faster. And even have better job performance in certain jobs like military, acting, secret agent, etc.

And book smart sims learn skills like logic, writing, research & debate, rocket science, and so on, faster! And just like with street smart sims, they do better at specific jobs. Book smart sims will excel at careers like lawyer, engineer, doctor, etc.

I think these new traits are absolutely perfect for playing with the Sims 4 High School Years expansion pack and creating teen sims who are either book smart or street smart.


38. Gamer Trait Mod by TwilightSims

gamer trait

The gamer trait mod is a must-have for any sim who loves to game. It adds a new gamer trait that gives sims a passion for games and makes them better at video games and tech.

The gamer trait also gives sims a faster learning rate for video gaming skills, and their performance in the tech guru career is improved. The gamer trait also has a slower fun decay and gain fun faster than other sims. The gamer trait can also add whims to your sims related to video games, such as buying a motion gaming rig, playing a video game for an hour, or livestreaming a game. Give the gamer trait a try and let me know what you think!


I know I’ve overwhelmed you with new sims 4 trait mods today, so don’t forget that you can give your sims more traits using the more traits mod for sims 4.

I’d love to know your favorite sims 4 cc traits in the comments or you can tag me on tumblr @musthavemods with your creations!

Unfortunately, traits are constantly breaking due to sims 4 updates. If you try out any of these custom content traits and they don’t work for you, please let me know so I can update this list with ones that do.

This post was all about the best Sims 4 Trait Mods.

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    1. It looks like it’s been deleted by the creator 🙁 I’m on the hunt for a trait pack to replace it!

  1. just discovered your page and i know I am 2 years “late” but I would love that comprehensive list on fairy mods!!!!

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