16 Sims 4 Cheats That Are Total Game Changers

Cheats have always been a cornerstone of The Sims series, offering players endless possibilities to bend the game’s rules and unleash their creativity. However, some Sims 4 cheats are total game changers, ensuring players have a pleasant and stress-free gaming experience. These invaluable cheats give you the ultimate shortcut to crafting the perfect life in the Sims 4 world.

Below, I’ve compiled a list of must-have Sims 4 cheat codes that will transform how you play. Whether you want to make your Sim life easier or address common Maxis challenges, this list has everything you need.

Before I dive in, we’ve already covered a guide on how to enable cheats in Sims 4 here. Please read carefully to learn how to enter cheat codes in the cheat console.

Note that using console cheats with the command “testingcheats true” may disable achievements for your saved game. To avoid this, avoid saving your game after using cheats.

READ NEXT: 31+ Best Sims 4 School Mods to Enhance Your Student’s Education Experience



Motherlode is an official Sims 4 cheat code that adds 50,000 Simoleons to your household. This cheat is easy and efficient, ensuring you have enough money to build and upgrade your home, buy food, and cover other expenses. The cheat code eliminates the stress of having to find a job and grow your income. This way, you can focus on other storytelling elements for a more immersive gameplay experience.



If you’re like me, you’ve probably created a Sim and moved them into a household only to realize you don’t like certain features or traits. Luckily, the “cas.fulleditmode” allows you to edit various aspects of an existing Sim, including traits, clothing, and names. Just navigate to the “Modify in CAS” section, and you’ll be able to access the Create A sim menu to make changes to your Sim.

Note that this feature works on every Sim in your game, even the random NPC Sims walking around.

casc.lockspeed 0

This cheat code slows down or speeds up the action and movement of your Sim in Create A Sim (CAS). So, if you want your Sim to stand still, you can type “casc.lockspeed 0.” You can tweak the value to make the SIM move slowly or fast. For instance, if you type 0.2 the Sim will move extremely slow, but if you key in 2 they’ll move fast.

This is one of the best Sims 4 cheats for creators, as it ensures they can take crisp, clear images in CAS.



This Sims 4 cheat allows you to construct on or edit lots that are locked or hidden in the base game. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most complicated Sims 4 cheats, as it can interfere with certain career progression. So be careful when using the cheats in The Sims 4 game. If you want more cheats for the build mode, read our guide on Sims 4 Build Cheats.



This cheat code enables or disables death in the base game. If you want to play freely without worrying about dying, you set it to false. This will eliminate the possibility of death in your gameplay, whether by aging, electrocution, or other accidents. Alternatively, if you want your gameplay to be more realistic, you can turn it back on by typing “death.toggle false.”

stats.set_skill_level Major_(name of skill + level)

stats.set_skill_level Major_(name of skill + level)

While maxing out skills in the base game is fun, it can be tedious and repetitive, especially if you have a large household. An easy way to max the skill level of any skill is to use this cheat code. For example, if you want to max the homestyle cooking skill, you’ll type stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking 10.

The following cheats comprise other skills you can max using this cheat code:

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10 – Maxes the Charisma skill

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10 – Maxes the Fishing skill

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano 10 – Maxes the Piano skill

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10 – Maxes the Comedy skill

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening 10 – Maxes the Gardening skill

  • stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness 10 – Maxes the Fitness skill

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10 – Maxes the Guitar skill

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief 10 – Maxes the Mischief skill

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness 10 – Maxes the Handiness skill

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming 10 – Maxes the Video Games skill

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic 10 – Maxes the Logic skill

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Mixology 10 – Maxes the Mixology skill

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting 10 – Maxes the Painting skill

  • stats.Set_Skill_Level Major_PipeOrgan 10 – Maxes the Pipe Organ skill (Vampires required)

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_RocketScience 10 – Maxes the Rocket Science skill

  • stats.set_skill_level Major_singing 10 – Maxes the Singing skill (City Living required)

If you’re playing with child Sims, use this to max their skill level: stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity 10. These Sims 4 skill cheats save you the time required to max each skill to earn your rewards.



If you want to complete your Sim’s current milestone immediately, use this cheat code “aspirations.complete_current_milestone.” You’ll be able to complete various milestones in your career, relationship, skills, and life stages, such as first woohoo or get a promotion. You’ll also earn the corresponding satisfaction points. While milestones add depth to your gameplay, they can be tedious to accomplish. Use this cheat to bypass the process and get straight into gameplay.

money x

money x

Raising a family and building a house in the Sims 4 world isn’t cheap. You need sufficient income to sustain your household and all the expenses that come along. Luckily, you can use plenty of money cheats to add funds to your household, including ” money x.”

Note that X represents the value of money you wish to add to your funds. For instance, if you type “money 1000000,” you’ll add one million simoleons to your household funds. Just bring up the cheat menu by pressing ctrl shift c on your PC, then press enter and add the money to your new game.


sims 4 modify relationship

When you start a new game in Sims 4 and move into your household, other Sims in your neighborhood will visit randomly throughout the day. While getting to know each Sim can be exciting, it can quickly get tedious and boring. A quick way to bypass this process is by using this cheat:

  • relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_other_sims

It will introduce your Sim to every other NPC Sim in the area, saving you the time and effort of meeting them individually. Afterward, your Sim can choose who they want to get to know more and establish a relationship with them that may lead to something. If you’re looking for more relationship cheats, read our Sims 4 Relationship Cheats.


sims 4 friend poses

Another essential relationship cheat that’s a game changer is “modifyrelationship.” This cheat code allows you to modify a current relationship to suit your storytelling and gameplay. For example, you can modify a relationship from just friends to lovers or lovers to enemies. Enter the following cheats in the sims 4 to modify existing relationships:

  • modifyrelationship {First Sim’s First Name} {First Sim’s Second Name} {Second Sim’s First Name} {Second Sim’s Second Name} -100 ltr_romance_main – 100% negative romance between two specific Sims

  • modifyrelationship {First Sim’s First Name} {First Sim’s Second Name} {Second Sim’s First Name} {Second Sim’s Second Name} 100 ltr_friendship_main – 100% positive friendship between two specific Sims

  • modifyrelationship {First Sim’s First Name} {First Sim’s Second Name} {Second Sim’s First Name} {Second Sim’s Second Name} 100 ltr_romance_main – 100% positive romance between two specific Sims

  • modifyrelationship {First Sim’s First Name} {First Sim’s Second Name} {Second Sim’s First Name} {Second Sim’s Second Name} -100 ltr_friendship_main – 100% negative friendship between two specific Sims

This is one of the best Sims 4 cheats, as it saves you the hassle of building and establishing a relationship from scratch. So, if you want to start a family, you can get a lover immediately and start the baby-making process from the get-go.

freerealestate on

freerealestate on

If you want to live in your dream neighborhood, apartment rental, or even city, you need this Sims 4 cheat code. It allows you to move anywhere for free, meaning you can own any home in the neighborhood regardless of its price. Whether it’s a mansion or a cottage, you can move your Sim into the house without spending a single coin.

While some players enjoy working from rags to riches, it may dampen the gameplay experience. Luckily, this cheat eliminates the grind, ensuring you can start from riches right away. If you have no problem grinding for your success, use “freerealestate off” to return lots to their original prices.

bb.moveobjects on

bb.moveobjects on

The base game usually doesn’t allow players to move and place objects in certain areas or locations. These restrictions hinder immersive gameplay. With the bb.moveobjects on cheat code, you can move objects anywhere you want. This includes the locations where the grid doesn’t allow. This code comes in handy during the build mode, allowing you to freely express your creativity.

careers.promote x

The “careers.promote x” code is a cheat that players use to automatically promote their Sim in a specific career or branch. The x represents the career name or ID, such as astronaut or doctor. Here are examples of how to use this cheat in the Sims 4:

  • Astronaut: careers.promote astronaut

  • Doctor: careers.promote doctor

  • Detective: careers.promote detective

  • Scientist: careers.promote scientist

  • Gardener: careers.promote gardener

  • Actor: careers.promote actor

  • Business: careers.promote business

  • Criminal: careers.promote criminal

  • Painter: careers.promote painter

  • Writer: careers.promote writer

  • Social Media: careers.promote socialmedia

This cheat eliminates the lower-level grinding, ensuring you climb up to higher ranks with better career rewards. Note that this cheat won’t work until your Sim has a job. If you don’t mind the grind and want to work hard for your promotion, use “careers.demote x.” It will demote your Sim’s career level.

If you’re working with teen Sims and want to use the Sims 4 career cheats, you can enter the following command careers.promote PartTime_Retail or careers.promote PartTime_Lifeguard.



Constantly having to tend to your Sim’s motives and needs can be hectic, especially if you have a huge household. You must fulfill their hunger, energy, hygiene, and social needs, which can be overwhelming. To play without worrying about your Sim’s motives, use the “sims.fill_all_commodities” command. It fills all the needs of your selected Sim to 100%, keeping them happy and fulfilled.

Your Sim will no longer be hungry, they’ll be fully rested, and will always be clean. Their social needs will also be fulfilled. We recommend using this Sims 4 cheats if you have a large household or if you’re completing long and tedious challenges like the Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge.

traits.remove_trait Ghost_OldAge [ID]

traits.remove_trait Ghost_OldAge [ID]

Like real life, your Sim will die once they age unless you turn off the death toggle. Luckily, you can resurrect your Sim using this command: traits.remove_trait Ghost_OldAge [ID]. The command works by removing the ghost status caused by old age, bringing them back to life.

This cheat code works only if you know the Sim ID of the person you want to bring back to life. For example, if your Sim’s ID is 123456789, the cheat would be – traits.remove_trait Ghost_OldAge [123456789].

You can also substitute the Ghost_OldAge with other ghostly traits like Ghost_Electrocution for Sims who died of electrocution.



If you want to quickly switch between fullscreen and windowed mode, you can use the command “fullscreentoggle.” It saves you the hassle of navigating to the settings menu to switch between modes. This convenience makes playing the Sims 4 more enjoyable and seamless. Just enter the command in the cheat box, which will toggle you from fullscreen to windowed or vice versa. We recommend using fullscreen if you want an immersive gaming experience and windowed mode to multitask.

resetsim (Firstname Lastname)

resetsim (Firstname Lastname)

Characters in Sims 4 tend to get stuck in animations and interactions occasionally. This can be annoying and force you to restart the game. An easier and quicker solution for a stuck Sim is the “resetsim (Firstname Lastname)” command. It will reset object or Sim experiencing glitches to a neutral state.

When you use this cheat code, Sims will immediately stop their current actions and be teleported to a safe lot. Be sure to spell your Sim’s name right for this cheat code to work effectively in the game.

shift-click cheats

shift-click cheats

shift-click cheats are social interaction cheats that force specific interactions or enable unique actions. All you have to do is shift-click a Sim, and several options will pop up in the cheats menu. This includes:

  • Modify in CAS

  • Add to Family

  • Set Friendship Level

  • Set Romantic Level

This cheat is a simple way to modify certain aspects of individual Sims to suit your storytelling or gameplay.


There are plenty of Sims 4 cheats players can use to make their simulation more immersive and enjoyable. However, these are the top ones I use to make the game less grind-intensive and more casual. Please let me know in the comments below what Sims 4 cheats you use in your world.

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